Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Book 3

Book 3 ~ Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult

Date Started ~ January 19, 2012 (Thursday)
Date Finished ~ January 31, 2012 (Tuesday)

When I started this book I was sure I wouldn't like it, it took way to long to get into for me and then I feltlike I was forcing myself to read it.   but at the end I had a completely different thought on it.  This time I wrote down some of my thoughts when I would finish for the evening.  

The beginning starts off a bit bothersome for me.  I didn't know if the facts were right and it bothered me a bit.

After chapter 7 ~ So far the emotions of the girls in the book are very evident to me and it sucked me right in.  I liked having Katie's memories stuck in throughout the story.

At the end ~ So I finished the book finally and WOW! It's a good book.  It took me a while to get into it and it felt like it took forever, but it was good all the way to the end.  Most books have a beginning, middle and end and the middle is usually the meatier part.  But with this book the whole thing was meaty.  It was chalk full of detail of story and details.  It is definitely a favorite.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Book 2

Book 2 ~ Mountain Laurel by Jude Deveraux

Date Started ~ January 13, 2012 (Friday)
Date Finished ~ January 16, 2012 (Monday)

Well this book was definitely better than the last book I read, that's for sure.  I liked this book; it wasn't a favorite but I liked it and I would definitely recommend it to others to read.

It was a quick read for me, only 3 or 4 days only reading part of the time.  It was nice that it was a quick and easy read.  I think the main characters suited each other rather nicely. They were both stubborn and strong-willed but in an entertaining way.  I think the setting was nice, love the time era.  It would have been better with a little more detail and description.

There wasn't as many twists as the last book but it did keep you wondering what was going to happen next.  So,  I would probably rate it 3 or 4 stars out of 5.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Book 1

Book 1 ~ Legend by Jude Deveraux

Date Started ~ January 2, 2012 (Monday)
Date Finished ~ January 8, 2012 (Sunday)

This book is not one of my favorites by Jude, but I am not sure if it's because the book I read before it was soo amazing or if it is that I am not a fan of the main character.  She kind of got on my nerves with her personality and way she acted.

Usually i like twists in a book; it keeps me interested and wanting to read more and know what is going to happen next.  But in this book they just drove me nuts.  They weren't really action twists but more twists in personality and characters behaviors and it made it not very believable to me.  I wasn't fully happy with the ending and even caught myself "skim-reading" at times.  

I did like the concept of the story and the idea behind it though.  It was kind of like how I liked the Twilight books, but when they made them into movies and used a crappy actress it just kind of ruined the movies for me. It was a great plot and had it had different characters I may have liked it better.

So all in all, it isn't a favorite and I'm kind of bummed to start my book log with a so so book.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

About This Blog

So since it's a new year I have decided that it would be a good starting point for keeping track of all the books I read this year.  I will write a little review when I finish each book and put my thoughts and feelings towards the book that I write down along the way.  Basically it'll be my book diary.  Maybe it'll inspire someone to read one of the books I read or maybe someone will have a suggestion on a book I should read or even maybe it'll be a place where people can write their thoughts on one of the books I write about. 

I am almost finished with my first book this year so hopefully soon I will have my first book entry up.  I hope you enjoy :)